Category Archives: Retail

How China’s ‘Mall Mania’ Destroys Local Communities
Photo by Adam Mayer This article by Harry den Hartog originally appeared at Sixth Tone. As early as 2002, the Dutch architect Rem KoolhaasView full post »

Book Review: “The End of Cheap China” by Shaun Rein
Sensationalist stories about China’s supposed looming economic collapse captivate international headlines. While these articlesView full post »

Vanke Jiugong Mixed-Use Development by SPARK Architects
SPARK Architects have shared with us their award-winning design for a new mixed-use development in Beijing. Designed for Vanke in theView full post »

An Experience in Contrasts: Redevelopment in Beijing’s Historic Qianmen Neighborhood
Before and After Photos of ‘Quanjude’, a famous Peking Duck Establishment in Qianmen Since 1864 It is a familiar narrativeView full post »

China and the Legacy of Steve Jobs
Fake ‘Apple Store’ in Kunming It is not hard to understate the influence that Apple has had on China. If we examine the roleView full post »